Dataset and Network Introspection ToolKit (DNIKit)
AuthorsMegan Maher Welsh, David Koski, Miguel Sarabia, Niv Sivakumar, Ian Arawjo, Aparna Joshi, Moussa Doumbouya, Xavier Suau, Luca Zappella, Nicholas Apostoloff
AuthorsMegan Maher Welsh, David Koski, Miguel Sarabia, Niv Sivakumar, Ian Arawjo, Aparna Joshi, Moussa Doumbouya, Xavier Suau, Luca Zappella, Nicholas Apostoloff
We introduce the Data and Network Introspection toolkit DNIKit, an open source Python framework for analyzing machine learning models and datasets. DNIKit contains a collection of algorithms that all operate on intermediate network responses, providing a unique understanding of how the network perceives data throughout the different stages of computation.
With DNIKit, you can:
To visualize certain analyses, DNIKit also works with Symphony, a research platform for creating interactive data science components we originally published at ACM CHI 2022. Now open-sourced, Symphony components enable multiple stakeholders in cross-functional AIML teams to explore, visualize, and share analyses for AIML. Symphony supports a variety of data types and models, and can be used across platforms such as Jupyter Notebooks to standalone web-based dashboards. Symphony also has specific components to visualize the results from DNIKit analyses, such as computing dataset familiarity and duplicates.
We use Symphony together with DNIKit for interactive, visual dataset analysis - most notably, the Dataset Report.
An increasing number of the machine learning (ML) models we build at Apple each year are either partly or fully adopting the Transformer architecture. This architecture helps enable experiences such as panoptic segmentation in Camera with HyperDETR, on-device scene analysis in Photos, image captioning for accessibility, machine translation, and many others. This year at WWDC 2022, Apple is making available an open-source reference PyTorch implementation of the Transformer architecture, giving developers worldwide a way to seamlessly deploy their state-of-the-art Transformer models on Apple devices.