Set Distribution Networks: a Generative Model for Sets of Images
AuthorsShuangfei Zhai, Walter Talbott, Miguel Angel Bautista, Carlos Guestrin, Josh M. Susskind
AuthorsShuangfei Zhai, Walter Talbott, Miguel Angel Bautista, Carlos Guestrin, Josh M. Susskind
Shuangfei Zhai, Walter Talbott, Miguel Angel Bautista, Carlos Guestrin, Josh M. Susskind
Images with shared characteristics naturally form sets. For example, in a face verification benchmark, images of the same identity form sets. For generative models, the standard way of dealing with sets is to represent each as a one hot vector, and learn a conditional generative model p(x|y). This representation assumes that the number of sets is limited and known, such that the distribution over sets reduces to a simple multinomial distribution. In contrast, we study a more generic problem where the number of sets is large and unknown. We introduce Set Distribution Networks (SDNs), a novel framework that learns to autoencode and freely generate sets. We achieve this by jointly learning a set encoder, set discriminator, set generator, and set prior. We show that SDNs are able to reconstruct image sets that preserve salient attributes of the inputs in our benchmark datasets, and are also able to generate novel objects/identities. We examine the sets generated by SDN with a pre-trained 3D reconstruction network and a face verification network, respectively, as a novel way to evaluate the quality of generated sets of images.
Apple sponsored the International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), which was held as a hybrid virtual and in person conference between May 1 - 5 in Kigali, Rwanda. ICLR brings together professionals dedicated to the advancement of deep learning. Below was the schedule of Apple sponsored workshops and events at ICLR 2023.
Most successful examples of neural nets today are trained with supervision. However, to achieve high accuracy, the training sets need to be large, diverse, and accurately annotated, which is costly. An alternative to labelling huge amounts of data is to use synthetic images from a simulator. This is cheap as there is no labeling cost, but the synthetic images may not be realistic enough, resulting in poor generalization on real test images. To help close this performance gap, we've developed a method for refining synthetic images to make them look more realistic. We show that training models on these refined images leads to significant improvements in accuracy on various machine learning tasks.